Worried or Optimistic?

I feel worried and at the same time optimistic. In the last few years, I feel I have learned so much. About our earth, the political theme, and the spiritual details. I am also learning about the people I know and the people who I use to know.

Im a little disappointed that some of the people I know are completely different when it comes to my values. Again they are still people I care about, but still disappointed. I let them be because there is nothing else that I can do.

One thing that I had to repeat to some people who were willing to listen to what I have to say. Repeat. Repeat and repeat. Yet they dont seem to believe what I had to say. It is disappointing.

I also mentioned before I dont like people who are passive aggressive or appear shady. People who pretend to listen to what I have to say and then FORGET….it only tells me that they never listened in the first place. Make me repeat and repeat…..too bad you only made me feel that you were not listening at all. I dont know if you can still accept them as a friend. Maybe they are just acquaintances. That might be the word, acquaintances.

I dont care if people believe me or not. Although it does trigger me when I am told that I am crazy and ridicules. A true contradiction. Oh well!

I told people years ago that our country is under attack. Now look at the overall issues happening to the country of USA today. 2022 is the fruit to my statement “WE ARE UNDER ATTACK”. Yet I am crazy and I am ridicules because of my views.

I wont say no more about this.

Communism/Socialism Culture is now apparent.

You still think Im ridicules? Lets watch it unfold some more. Will you wait till you are now hanging on the thread to see that OUR COUNTRY IS UNDER ATTACK?

Years ago there was a time when the spiritual community was spreading the information of DNA Activation. During this time, we were all meditating about the earth changing and preparing for the BIG CHANGE. We were all seeking ways to activate our DNA. We were all seeking how to activate others. Now we are here right now. 10 to 15 years later we are now seeing what we were preparing for. I have optimism. I AM OPTIMISTIC that we are all ready for this change and the earth is going to change for the better. We are in the birthing stage….the LABOR of birth of a world of PEACE. Be patient and we will be there.

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